Tuesday, May 31, 2011

"A Dangerous Choice"

Last night I dreamt that a mother brought her child to me so I would pray for deliverance. I was in the basement of a house—not dirty or dark at all, but comfortable and simple. The child was about junior high school age. I prayed and spoke to them about being deceived—that if you want, God will bring you out. But if you don't want it, it's your choice. Without waiting for the child to understand or choose, the mother said firmly, "That's right!" She then took the child by the hand and they went up the stairs together to leave.
The child represents many Adventist people. The mother represents the spirit that was guiding Ellen White and the founders of Adventism. The time is in the days after the foundation of Adventism has been shaken to the core. In the dream I (Ramone) represent Christians (non-Adventist) whom Adventists come to for answers.

The shaking will lay bare the institution's foundation, and will also reveal things about the founders which will destroy faith in them. In turn, after realizing they were deceived, many Adventists will question "the Bible", "Christ" and "God" in general, wondering if everything was a lie. Some of them will go to Christians (who dwell in the true foundation—the simple truth of Christ) thinking that they are following their own thoughts and questions, but they will not realize that they are being led by a spirit.

The spirit that guided Ellen White and the founders in building Adventism is not interested in Adventists actually finding the truth, nor is the spirit even interested in re-establishing Adventism (after its foundation has been torn) or leading them into a new kind of Adventism. From the beginning the spirit orchestrated the building of Adventism's house on sand, and set its people and future generations up for a great painful fall—a fall so painful it would lead into complete unbelief, bitterness, anger and rejection of God.

The spirit ("mother") in the dream is not interested in the child's "deliverance" at all. The spirit only takes the child there to get the Christians to say something, and then the spirit says, "I told you so!" as a confirmation of what the spirit had been telling the child beforehand. (This is in keeping with the spirit's pattern in Ellen White's ministry and in Adventist history—the spirit affirms just a little real truth but credits itself with it, and has the ultimate purpose of leading people away from the true foundation to wherever it wants to take them.)

The spirit has brought the people here not to find real truth, but to confirm the ideas it's been whispering to the Adventists who have just discovered that they had been deceived all their lives. First the spirit built up the peoples' faith in Adventism because it knew that no foundation built on sand would survive. Its ultimate purpose has been to prepare a generation for spiritual slaughter—to build them up so high that when the house collapses it will be a harder fall and will break them so badly that they'll never want to enter any kind of spiritual 'house' again, that they'll never want anything to do with faith, Christ or God again.

The lie that the spirit whispered while Adventism's house still stood was that you can be safe with the proper information—if you know the right things, then you will not be deceived, you will not be hurt. When Adventism's house is shaken and its foundation exposed, people may leave the 'house' ("Adventism") but the spirit and its lie do not necessarily leave them. The first thing many will do will be to find as much information as possible so as to prevent being hurt and deceived again. Of course some of this is natural and good, but there is often a spiritual root in that need for information, in that subconscious belief that we can protect ourselves from deception (and basically save ourselves) through right knowledge.

The spirit has been whispering to countless generations of Adventists,

"The only way to prevent being deceived in the end is to study hard and gain enough knowledge so that you aren't fooled!"
Effectively the spirit taught Adventists that you need to save yourself, that your salvation is up to you and depends directly on how zealous you are in pursuing knowledge. In the same way, after Adventism is shaken, the spirit will speak to some Adventists quietly, saying,

"You were deceived by Adventism because you didn't study hard enough, and the only way you'll ever be safe from being hurt like that again is if you get all the facts straight this time!"
The spirit built up reliance on knowledge; the point that felt 'safe' about Adventism was its claim to have more truth than any other church, and that it claimed to know about the end times and how to survive them. Through "Sabbath" it claimed to know how to be pleasing to God more than any other kind of Christian. Through the "State of the Dead" teaching Adventism claimed to have a stronger safeguard against being deceived by evil spirits. Knowledge was king, and assurance was found in having more knowledge. The reality of God Himself wasn't as important as getting all the facts correct about Him. It wasn't so important to actually seek God Himself; instead the important thing was learning the 'right' information about God (and His 'truth') that the church contained.

When people come out of Adventism with the pain of being deceived still stinging hard, the natural reaction will be to get smarter so that never happens again. For many people this will not include seeking God Himself, but rather seeking more information. It's not a change from seeking "false" to seeking "true", but rather a change from seeking "false" to seeking "something not false". But the truth is a Person—Christ Himself—and seeking truth means seeking Him, not mere information about Him. It means taking the risk of faith. And that's the last thing many people are going to want to do after being burnt so badly by Adventism.

And that is what the spirit (the 'mother') in the dream was preparing her child against. The spirit built up Adventists' reliance on knowledge and having all the information laid out in front of you. So after Adventism is shaken, the spirit tells people,

"You need the right knowledge—solid proof—laid out in front of you so that you won't be deceived and hurt again. But Adventism was so much more thorough and intellectual than other churches—they are not going to be able to lay everything out for you; they're going to tell you to 'seek God' because they themselves don't have answers, and they're afraid of the real answers."
In the dream I, the Christian, responded correctly but exactly as the spirit had prepared the child for. I said, "It's your choice", meaning that if you want God to rescue you, you need to want Him to. You need to call on Him and ask Him, not just stand back with arms folded waiting for Him to "prove Himself" to you before you risk having faith in Him. Calling upon Him naturally seems to involve risk—what if He doesn't answer? We want to know that we won't be calling into the air hoping for something that doesn't exist, because we're terribly afraid of being hurt again, of being deceived and lost.

The spirit takes advantage of that fear and fresh pain, and as shown in the dream, it prepares people to react against the truth that having faith means taking an apparent risk. The spirit will say to these Adventists, still smarting from the pain of realizing Adventism's deception,

"See? You knew it! These Christians are setting themselves up to be deceived just like you were in Adventism. They say 'Seek God!' because they don't have answers. They're in as much danger as you were in Adventism. They're just as deluded as you were, probably even more because Adventism was more intellectual than they are."
And so in the dream the spirit takes the child by the hand, before the child has even been able to make a choice to ask God for deliverance, and the child is led by the spirit out of the basement and house, away from the foundation of Christ.

"A Dangerous Choice"

The Lord says,

"My children,

I know you are afraid. Don't be too proud to admit that you have been hurt and are terrified of being hurt again. It's okay. It's natural and I don't condemn you for wanting to have a path of solid rock underneath your feet. I know you want to have everything made plain to you. I know you want to see all the facts and know all the knowledge. I know how much you don't want to fall and be hurt again.

I know how terribly afraid you are of calling to Me for help and stepping out in faith right now. You don't want to be deceived again! You're not sure of Me, and you're not even sure of the 'truth' you do seem to understand underneath your feet. Calling to Me in faith seems like walking into a waterfall on slippery rock right now. You're not sure I'll answer, and you don't want to be swept away.

I know you are afraid to trust Me, but I am the only way. If you stay where you are, it is no place of safety. Avoiding 'belief' is no safeguard against deception at all, just as the 'state of the dead' doctrine in Adventism was no safeguard against being deceived by the spirit that spoke to Ellen White. I am the only place of safety, and I am the only place you will find rest from your fears of being deceived again.

Do not listen any longer to the spirit which says that more information will keep you safe from deception. Listen instead to Me, and call out to Me to help you. Yes, I want you to choose to call out to Me. But even if you can't find enough faith to call out to Me, ask Me for even that! Ask Me for faith to have faith in Me. I will give you even that!

You are not alone: I am with you! You do not need to figure this out all by yourself or try to protect yourself with a lot of knowledge. That was the way of Adventism, and you have seen where that ended for you. Don't listen to the same spirit that lied to you in Adventism, telling you that your safety was in knowledge. Your safety is in Me."



"My children,

"I am here. I am with you. I know the fears that you feel at night in the dark of your room. I know some of you have been openly harassed by the enemy, choked in the night, and terrorized by visions of things in your room. I know many of you have grown up and tried to move past these things, but that you are still afraid inside. Outwardly you must appear victorious, unafraid and unfazed, but alone at night you may suddenly feel like a terrified child again.

"I also know the frustration you have felt as you tried to drive away the fear. I know how you desperately spoke My name or tried to remember as many Bible verses as you could. I know how you clenched your eyes shut and repeated them to yourself as you tried to escape by falling asleep.

"I know the hidden pain behind the question you haven't been able to ask: 'Lord, why didn't it work?' You didn't ask Me the question, but you've really needed to ask it, because you've been doubting yourself and feeling responsible when it wasn't your fault. It was not you who opened the door to the enemy. But I will tell you how to close it and find rest in Me.

"Firstly I must tell you that the enemy cannot actually touch you. He can only scare you and try to frighten you. He is a toothless, declawed lion, because I triumphed over him on the Cross. I won the victory—it is finished!

"But you were not taught this; you were told that My death was only a symbol of My love, and that the real 'atonement' is happening in heaven. You were told that I and My angels are in a 'great controversy' against Satan and his angels, and that you must keep My law in order to vindicate Me in the end.

"You were taught that you had to keep the law. You had to memorize enough Scripture and 'truth' to keep from being deceived. You had to become perfect enough to stand before My Father without a mediator. The burden was placed on you. If you were harassed or fearful, you unconsciously felt that it must be because you weren't close enough to Me (because if you were, then these things wouldn't be happening). Moreover, no one else talked about these things and these fears, so you felt even more alone, and it subconsciously confirmed to you that you must be responsible.

"My children, My precious, beloved children! I am always with you, and I have always been with you. In Me you have already overcome the evil one, and in this world you overcome him by faith in Me. But the faith that was taught to you was not faith in Me, but rather to study hard and overcome through your own vigilance. You were taught to have faith in your own zeal, and your faith faltered because you couldn't keep up your zeal. The power of the enemy to deceive you was emphasized over and over more than My power to protect you from deception.

"I am not the author of that kind of 'faith'—the faith of your spiritual forefathers who founded your church. I am not the one who visited them with visions and revelations to teach them that 'faith'. I am not the one who opened the door for the evil one to harass their children and their children's children.

"But I am sovereign! I have brought you to where you are today to deliver you and set you free from every fear and harassment of the enemy. Yes, the enemy was devious in not only opening the door through demonic revelations to your spiritual forefathers, but also in crippling your knowledge of Me, of him, and of My victory over him (so that you could not have faith in what you had never heard). But I am bringing you into freedom now! What the enemy meant to use to destroy you, I will turn into a blessing in your life. Are you willing to be free?

"Call out to Me now, and ask Me to reveal to you the truth of My words in Scripture, that I have defeated the enemy at the Cross and that you are safe in My hands. Believe what I show you in Scripture. Do not try to harmonize it with what you were taught before—do not let the enemy dilute My words any longer! Then, in My name and in knowledge of My victory, stand!"


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"Perfect Performance"

"Perfect Performance"

Then they asked him,
"What must we do to do the works God requires?"

Jesus answered,
"The work of God is this:
To believe in the one He has sent."
- John 6:28-29
"My children,

"I know you think you can keep the law. I know you think you're supposed to. But I tell you that it was a burden too heavy for you to bear, so I bore it for you. I carried, kept, and fulfilled what you could not.

"I do not judge you by how well you keep the old covenant law—I do not judge you by how well you survive carrying something that is too heavy for you! I do not judge you according to the ministry of death, but rather according to your heart's response to My love for you.

"If you know that your performance is weak and insufficient, then that is good enough for Me. If you have heard My love for you and call out to Me who won the game for you, then that is good enough.

"I don't need your help to win the game (I've already won it!), and I don't need your help in saving you (I've already done that, too!). All I want is for you to know in your heart that I am your champion, not you yourself.

"That's all."


See also: "The Champion!" (art link)

Sunday, May 29, 2011

"I AM Your Righteousness!"

"I AM Your Righteousness!"

"I didn't come to teach you how to become righteous. I didn't come to show you the 'way' to become holy. I did not leave a method for you to follow in order to become like Me. Instead I AM your righteousness!

"Do you think that I ever separate from My righteousness? Do you think that I clothe you with My righteousness and then leave you to finish your walk on your own?

"No, I tell you! I am the Lord Your Righteousness, and I will never cease being your righteousness—not now, not in the 'end times', nor in the age to come. As I AM and I will forever be, I will never cease to be your righteousness. My righteousness will never separate or 'impart' to you, for I am the Lord Your Righteousness and I Myself will never leave you.

"Do you know that I am happy to give you My righteousness? Do you know I am not upset, frowning, or disappointed? It is My good pleasure to lavish My love and righteousness on you! I have not given you My grace and eternal life reluctantly! I am well-pleased with you and I love you!"

Saturday, May 28, 2011

"Rest in Me"

"Rest in Me"

"I am your Sabbath, in the midst of all your troubles, stresses, worries, burdens and fears. I am your Sabbath in the midst of the grief you feel because of bad things you've done and because of the sins you just can't seem to get rid of completely. I am your Sabbath in the midst of consequences you endure because of bad choices you've made and mistakes you were responsible for.

"I am your Sabbath-rest here at the Cross. I bring you rest through no effort of your own, but through what I did for you by Myself on the Cross. I bring you peace through My own love for you, not through your love for Me. You don't have to prove how much you love Me to receive My love. You don't have to get yourself 'clean' first for Me to accept you. I love you just as you are, and I will heal your broken heart and wash away your griefs with My love.

"Come, rest in Me. Rest in My love for you. I Myself am your Sabbath."

"Locked Out (No Room For My Spirit!)"

"Locked Out"

"I stand at the door and knock, but you have locked Me out! With your doctrines you claim to have built a perfect place for Me to dwell, but in truth you have built them up because you have been so afraid of being deceived. You believe that your safety and your approval in My sight are because of the correctness of your doctrines, and once you've arranged them you do not want them to be changed. In trying to lock the door against deception, you don't realize that you have also locked Me out.

"You believe you have locked out spirits of darkness with your 'superior' construction of doctrines and systematic theology. But I see many among you who are held captive to the spirits of the enemy which have been loose among you, because superior doctrines and systematic theology cannot drive out the enemy; only My Spirit can. Only My Spirit can give you rest and peace from your fears of being lost and of not pleasing me."

"No Room For My Spirit"

"But you have made My Spirit, too, into a doctrine—into just another part of your beliefs in your theological system. You have mathematically arranged My words from Scripture into your own equations, in order to prove that your house is well-built and that I am at home with you more than in any other house. Yet deep inside part of you knows that I am bigger than your doctrinal house of cards, and that if you allow Me to come be Myself, your house of doctrines might be severely damaged or even done away with.

"I wait outside your locked door. Will you let Me in? Yes, I will change your house and I will knock down walls you have built. But I will also take away your darkness and your fear. Your house will not appear as theologically or systematically 'safe', but you will have peace and safety because My Spirit will be among you, and I will give you rest."


See also: "The Empty Chair" (art link)

Friday, May 27, 2011

"Wholly Accepted"

"Wholly Accepted"

"My dear child, I am so pleased that you want to give your life to Me! I know you barely understand all the things you've studied, and I know you aren't completely sure what it is you're doing and what 'baptism' does.

"Don't worry! You can't see it, but you've given your heart to Me, and I have gladly accepted it—I have gladly accepted you! Not because of the things you've learned and not because of how much you've understood. No, instead I have accepted you because I love you—you're My child! All I wanted was your heart, and you gave it to Me—it's Mine now! (And I'm not giving it back!)

"Don't doubt yourself and your heart—whether you gave it really and wholly or not, or whether you have some sin you didn't remember. Don't worry because I've accepted you not on the basis of your perfect heart, but rather on the basis of what My Son did for you on the Cross! (That's what baptism is all about—it's all about Jesus!)"

Thursday, May 26, 2011



"My children,

"I am your Father and I am Spirit; you are My children, therefore you are also spirit. I am the Father of your spirit, and you are the children of My Spirit. Do not wonder at this, for haven't I told you that Spirit gives birth to spirit? Didn't I say that you must be born again—born of the Spirit?

"You were born in darkness, and you yourselves were once darkness, but now you are children of the light. You have been reborn! Your spirit has been given rebirth from My Spirit because you believed in My Son—the life-giving Spirit, the second Adam—and what He did for you on the Cross.

"I am your Father, the father of your spirit, and you are spirit—you are My children."


See also: "A Spirit of Life" and "Spirit" (study)

"Ready In Me"

"Ready In Me"

"I am all you need in the end times and on the last day. Do not be afraid and do not fret about what you need to have, what you need to do, what you need to figure out or be aware of. I will be your light in the darkness, and I will not expect you to produce your own light.

"Yes, I am coming soon. But I am not telling you to 'Get ready' because there is nothing you can do to 'get' ready, just as there is nothing you can do to accomplish your own salvation. All you can do is be in Me now, and let Me take you along day by day, one step at a time.

"Do not worry about what special command you must keep or what location you must be standing in. I am calling you to worship in Spirit and in truth—I am the truth, and I am the Spirit! I am calling you to simply be in Me.

"Do not worry as your spiritual forefathers did about 'Coming out to meet the Lord', for the Kingdom of God is already within you. Do not worry as your spiritual forefathers did about 'Loving His coming' because I already know if you love Me, and you do not need to worry about displeasing Me by not knowing the details of the time or events surrounding My coming.

"As the Day draws near, know now that I expect nothing more of you than to rest in My love for you, to love Me and to love your neighbor as I have loved you. I have laid no other burden on you. If anyone tells you to 'Get ready' for My coming by knowing their unique truths, know now that such a person has not been sent by Me but is rather deceived by Jezebel and her so-called 'deep secrets'. Do not be worried about what they say, and do not let them take away your peace in Me: I have overcome for you on the Cross—your victory is already accomplished in Me, not in your knowledge."


See also: "Drawing Near" (art link)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

"Broken For Rescue"

"Broken For Rescue"

"I am full of grace and mercy, I am longsuffering and compassionate. Because of My great love for you, I will not allow your boast to continue.

"Your spiritual forefathers built your church of their own making, and boasted that it was a firm platform, solid and impenetrable, and its truth greater than that of all other churches. And so your forefathers called people to leave their churches and come sail on your ship instead, teaching that your church's truth was so mighty it could never be sunk.

"Your forefathers rebelled against Me, ignoring My words and building their ship according to their own design. I called them to repent, but they only strengthened their rebellion by building their ship stronger and larger. Their unique 'truths' were enlarged and centered upon, while the pillars of faith in Me were marginalized and set aside.

"Behold, your ship will be broken so that you may be rescued. I will be near, but the loss of your ship will terrify many of you. I will set you afloat in the ocean of My love, the sea of My endless grace, from which your spiritual forefathers sought to rise above in their pride. Do not be afraid, for I am watching over you."

Monday, May 23, 2011

"Everlasting is Everlasting"

"Everlasting is Everlasting"

"I am the Righteous One.
I am just, and I am justice.
I am mercy and I am love.

"Who can know hearts better than I?
Who can determine justice better than I?
Who can show more mercy than I—
I who died on the Cross for My enemies?

"Who determines the length and intensity of My fire?
Who created the spirit, soul and body,
and who searches out the eternity set there?
Who will dictate the terms of My judgment to Me?

"I have declared My words to you,
and I do not say one thing yet mean another.
Do not nullify My words,
but trust Me instead.

"When you cannot understand,
and when you cannot recognize My love,
trust My heart still.

"See My love for you engraved by nails on My hands!
Believe in My goodness,
even in My judgment."


See also: "Everlasting" (art link) and "What of the Lost?" (study)

"Abide in My Love"

"Abide in My Love"

"My child, you will never be sure of My love for you as long as you are afraid of displeasing Me. Won't you allow My perfect love to cast out your fear of punishment?

"I have loved you first: I gave My Son for you on the Cross. Whether or not you accept Him and return My love to Me, I loved you so much that I gave Him to die for you.

"Begin in My love, being sure that I love you and will not take back the gift I have given. Abide in My love, knowing that I loved you first. Only then will you understand My command to you to love one another as I have loved you.

"If you fear being cast out of My love, and you seek to be accepted by Me through keeping commands, you will remain dry and fruitless because you have not rooted in My unconditional love for you, but are instead seeking to earn My love through your commandment-keeping."


See also: "Identifying the 'True' Church"

Sunday, May 22, 2011

"You Are Coming With Me!"

"You Are Coming With Me!"

"My children,

"Do not be afraid, I have overcome death!
I have conquered the grave,
and I hold the keys of death and Hades.
Behold! I have opened the door for you—
you will not be abandoned to the grave!

"Death has no more power over you than it has over Me.
I am with you always, to the end and beyond:
Death cannot separate you from Me and from My love.
Because you believe in Me, when you die you will live,
for I have given you an eternal spirit
and you will not die.

"Behold, I have taken the sting of death for you!
Do not fear, and do not be afraid:
you will not be left to the grave.
You are coming home with Me.
You are Mine."


See also:
"A Spirit of Life"
"Spirit" (study)
"Tribulation Shall Come"

"One Righteous, One Wronged"

"One Righteous, One Wronged"

"I am the only truly innocent one.
I am the only truly righteous one.
I am the only one who is without sin.

"I loved you and died for you not because you were sinless or righteous,
but because you were sinful and unrighteous.

"So do not be easily offended or defensive when people say that something is wrong with your church, your people or your nation. Do not be afraid to examine yourselves and face the possibility of being wrong.

"You have nothing to fear!
I AM your innocence and your righteousness!
Do not be afraid of repentance or of being examined.
I am the only spotless Lamb you need."


See also: "Agony" (art link)

Saturday, May 21, 2011

"Safe From Being Misled"

"Safe From Being Misled" "Safe From Being Misled"

"My children,

"I know you have read things in Scripture that don't fit with your belief system. I know you have been hit with moments of doubt when you saw that My words didn't match with what you had been taught was the truth by your church. I know the answers that were given to you to explain the inconsistencies, and I know they didn't fully satisfy you, but I know you were afraid of what it could mean if the 'building' had a crack in it.

"Don't be afraid! I am not a system. I am not a systematic theology. I am not a set list of beliefs. I AM who I AM, and I AM who I AM regardless of what your church believes about Me. I will not change. You can trust Me. The church's belief system will fall, but I will remain.

"I am calling you to come be with Me. Don't be afraid, for I will not let you fall. I will not lead you astray. I will never leave nor forsake you, but I will guide you to springs of living water, and I will be a shelter and a shade for you in the heat of the day. I am not saying it will be easy, but I am saying that I will be with you no matter what you go through.

"You have held onto your church's beliefs because they seemed to be a place of safety, and you feared going outside because you did not want to be deceived and be lost. But your church's beliefs are cracked, and you know it. You are afraid of being deceived by spirits, but you have also been afraid of My Holy Spirit. Trust Me now. I AM the Holy Spirit. I AM God.

"Come out of the darkness of fear, and rest in Me."


See also:
"Leaving My Building" (art link)
"A Spirit of Life" (Leaving a State of the Dead)

Thursday, May 19, 2011

"You Have Been Sanctified"

"You Have Been Sanctified"

"My child,

"You are never going to be holy enough. And you don't need to fear, because I have already loved you and accepted you! And I gave you My holiness. You are credited with My holiness, not with yours. For your sake I sanctified Myself, so that you might be sanctified in Me. Because I am holy, I have made you holy by My sacrifice once for all.

"Now that I have saved you and credited you with My righteousness, I will lovingly wash you many times—I will wash you with My words, telling you the truth of how I have loved you and saved you by My own power instead of by yours. I will take every fear hiding in the darkness, bring it into the light and give you peace by applying My love and truth to it. I will still your soul and give you rest from your fears and your striving. And so you will become more and more holy—pure and free in My love, cleansed by the truth of what I have done for you. But making you holy is My work, not yours. And your holiness is not the basis of your acceptance with Me.

"I sanctified you with My blood, shed for you on the Cross. No more sacrifice is necessary. You have been set apart as holy. You are Mine."


See also: "Sanctification"

"Kept Safe"

"Kept Safe"

"I am the God who saves. I am the Savior, and I am the Keeper of My children. I am the One who saves your children. I am the One who holds them safe in My arms when they have been taken away from you. I am the One who holds them even now in My arms. I am the Father to the fatherless, and I am the One who is a father to your children when you have been separated by death.

"Be at peace, for your children are safe in My arms. I am the Father of their spirits, and I am the Father of your spirit. I will never leave nor forsake you, not even in death."


See also: "Spirit" (study)

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

"My Love Wants to Heal"

"My Love Wants to Heal"

"I am tender and I AM love.
I am compassionate and I am refreshing.
I am joy and I am the encourager of your soul.

"But I love you too much to leave you unhealed.
I care about you too much to let you remain in denial and delusion.

"I will expose to you your problems, your fears, your blindnessess and things which you have trusted in instead of trusting Me.

"I want to heal your heart in the deepest way with My love, in places you didn't know were dry, cracked, barren and broken.

"I am love. Do not fear My truth,
for I AM truth, and I love you."


See also: "Mended" (art link)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

"Lord of the Sabbath"

"Lord of the Sabbath"

"I am the Lord of the Sabbath.
I am the One who gives you rest.
I am the One who makes you holy.

"Who has dwelt on high?
Who has ascended to heaven?
Who has ridden on the clouds into glory?

"I am the First and the Last.
I am the Creator of all things.
I am He who does not grow tired or weary.

"I am He who made the Sabbath for ancient Israel,
—not for Myself—
but to point them to Myself,
because I was to come
and bring them into My rest;
for though they kept Sabbath days
they had not yet entered—
they had only known shadows of My rest.

"I am He to whom the Sabbath pointed them,
to whom the testimony of the Old Covenant points;
for though the Old Covenant has passed away,
it still testifies to all mankind
that I am He.

"I am the Lord of Sabbath-rest,
I am He of whom the promise spoke.
I am rest for your souls.
I am your sanctification.
I am your heaven."


See also: "Christ, the Substance of the Two Shadows"



"I have won! I have triumphed! I am victorious over every demon, spirit, principality and power of darkness! None can stand against Me, and none can snatch you out of My hand.

"Yet you have lived in fear of deception and afraid of the powers of darkness. This is because the enemy crept in and sowed lies at your church's foundation, saying that My victory was not yet complete, and that final victory—and even My own vindication—depended on you. Your church was built on these lies, and since then generations of its children have been helpless in the darkness, terrified of the power of demons.

"Be free of the lies of the enemy! Behold, I made a public spectacle of him when I triumphed over him at the Cross—and so it is finished! You are now hidden safe in Me—do not believe the lies of the enemy any longer!"


See also: "He Shall Reign" (art link)

"My Hands For You"

"My Hands For You"

"You are not alone. Don't be afraid, and don't believe the enemy's lie that you are alone. Many of your brothers and sisters have been where you are now sitting. I know you can't see them right now, and I know that's hard. But trust Me: you are not alone.

"I know you feel confused and lost and there are times when you think you can't take anymore. Hold onto Me and don't give up faith in Me, even when you are confused about Me because of what you have been taught. Keep calling to Me, for I always hear. I have always heard you and I have never turned My ear away from you. My love has always been with you and surrounding you. It is not your fault that you have not been able to sense My nearness, but it will take some time to come out of the fog that has been laid upon you by the teachings you have been under.

"I am always with you, and I am sending you brothers and sisters—family in Me—who will be My hands to lay My love on you and share My heart with you. Many of My people are praying for you even now. Do not be afraid if they seem to be a long time in coming to you, but trust Me even in this. I will keep you and sustain you.

"Many of your brothers and sisters are in the same place as you are, but you have not yet begun to walk together. When I judge that the time is right, I will bring you alongside one another to support each other, and to help others who are just beginning to take their first steps into freedom from the same fog that you have been under."


See also: Heart For Adventists Contact Page
Art link: "His Hands (Laying On Love)"

Monday, May 16, 2011



"My blood covers all things, even the Ten Commandments—the list of charges against you. Every sin that you have ever committed, every law you have ever broken, every thought you have every had that has turned away from Me—all have been covered by My blood on the Cross. I died for all of these, and My sacrifice takes them all away. They do not belong to you any longer: your sins and the charges against you have been nailed to the Cross. I have fulfilled the Law and all requirements for your salvation. All that is left for you is to believe and love."


See also: "Fulfilled!" (art link) and "The Fulfillement of the Law"

"My Salvation"

"My Salvation"

"My children, I have told you that you are saved by what I have done for you on the Cross—why haven't you believed Me? I wrote in the Scriptures through My Spirit in purposefully clear terms that I have saved you, and that you may rejoice because I have saved you.

"I have not written in Scripture that you are saved only to turn around and tell you that you are forbidden from uttering those words. I have not spoken through any prophet contradicting what I wrote clearly in Scripture: that you have been saved by My grace.

"Do not be afraid! It is not presumption to take Me at My word! Cast aside whatever lies people have spoken presumptuously in My name, saying that you dare not agree with My words in Scripture. Cast the lies aside and rest on the truth of My words in Scripture: you are saved. Say it, believe in Me, and rest in Me. For I am the Lord and I do not lie."


See also: "Faith or Fear?" (study introduction)



"You are fearfully and wonderfully made! Your whole being—marvelous in My sight—is more multi-dimensional than you have known: I have given you a spirit, a soul, and a body.

"You have known your body, and you have devoted the majority of your attention to the body. Your soul has seemed less tangible but still easy to wrap your mind around. But you have not known of your spirit, because you have been taught that spirit is physical breath.

"But I am spirit, and so are you. I am the Father of your spirit. My Spirit gave birth to your spirit when you first believed in My Son. Just as My Spirit is eternal, so too your spirit is eternal, housed in your soul just as your soul is housed in your body. Death brings an unnatural division of your being, tearing your spirit and soul from your body, which sleeps. But your spirit and soul never cease to exist, just as My Spirit never ceases to exist. And though your body may be destoryed, I will clothe you with a new imperishable body at the resurrection.

"Behold! I have made you in My image—you are one, but you are three-part beings."


See also:
"Spirit, Soul and Body" (art link)
"Made in the Image of God" (study)

"A Better Covenant"

"A Better Covenant"

"Come! Come to the Cross! Come be free of the Law of sin and death! Come find life in the Spirit of life.

"You will never be able to repair the broken covenant, and you will never live in the light dwelling in its shadows.

"Come to the Cross, come to the light!"


See also: "A Better Law" (art link) and "The Fulfillment of the Law"

"Master at Rest"

"Master at Rest"

"Good news! It is finished! I am at rest! I completed the work of salvation for you and sat down! I am master of the wind and the waves; My ship cannot be turned, My course cannot be altered. Come, rest with Me, for the work is finished."

Sunday, May 15, 2011

"Yahweh Shabbat"

"Yahweh Shabbat"

"Behold, My hands—where I was pierced for your sins!
I died in your place,
I have taken away your curse,
I have restored you to Eden,
I give you to eat from the Tree of Life,
I bring you into the promised rest,
into a better country—My inheritance forevermore!

"I am your Shabbat shalom,
I am your Sabbath rest,
I am your peace.

"I am the light to which the Sabbath day pointed;
Come to Me, and I will give you rest.
Come to Me, and be fulfilled in Me."


See also:
"Yeshua My Shabbat" (art link)
"Christ, the Substance of the Two Shadows"
"Sabbath That Remains" (study)

"Grace Walk"

"Grace Walk"

"My beloved, I am calling you to walk in the light of My grace. I am calling you out of darkness and confusion, and into clarity and purpose for your life. I am calling you to walk in My grace, knowing that I have loved you, died and risen for you, and have given you all things freely: you are accepted by Me based on My merits, not by yours. Your righteousness will never be good enough, so I have given you Mine. I have called you to be free of trying to be perfect and trying to attain My righteousness. I have called you to be free of the Law. I have called you to the walk of Grace. Come, follow Me. Be free."


See also: "Grace Walk" (art link)

"I Am Your Pilot"

"I Am Your Pilot"

"I am your pilot, you are safe with Me at the helm. Do not worry, do not fear. I will not steer you astray. The fog in life is thick, and the fog of teachings you have received has been even thicker. You have been trying hard to steer safely as they taught you, but it has worn you out and you have no confidence of coming through safely in the end.

"Let Me be your pilot now. Cling to Me alone. I will bring you through confusion, through darkness and doubt. You are safe with Me."


See also: "Jesus, My Pilot" (art link)

"The Power of My Love"

"The Power of My Love"

"More than My power to make you perfect and sinless, I want you to know the power of My love which looks past your sins and imperfection to the Cross—where I took your sins and credited you with My perfection.

"More than My power to bless you with peace and prosperity, I want you to know the power of My love to give you peace in your soul and treasure in heaven.

"More than My power to remove darkness from the world around you, I want you to know the power of My love to dispell darkness from your heart.

"More than the power of My Spirit to work supernatural wonders, I want you to know the power of My love to work wonders in your heart.

"More than My power to heal your body, I want you to know the power of My love to heal the wounds of your heart.

"More than My power to move the mountains before you with your faith, I want you to know the power of My love to sustain you through anything.

"More than My power to give you whatever you ask, I want you to know that I love you and I Myself want to be your every answer."

Saturday, May 14, 2011

"Paid in Full"

"Paid in Full"

"Yes, I paid your debt in full! I have told you plainly—why has it been hard for you to see?

"You are frightened and scared because you have not known the Scriptures. You have been told that My words were difficult to understand and confusing at times. You have been taught that what My servants wrote about 'the law' could not mean what it said. Therefore you have clung to the law—and your righteousness—for fear of being deceived and lost, instead of being comforted and entering the peace of resting in My finished work.

"Come, let go of your fear. Trust Me that I will protect you and not let you fall. Look again at My words. Ask Me for the faith to take Me at My word—to let My words mean what they say."


See also:
"Sabbath in Colossians 2"
"The Old Covenant" (study)
"The Fulfillment of the Ten Commandments"
"Before & After" (art link)



"My beloved,

"Come, let Me wash you in a way that you have never been washed before. Up to now you have been taught that I demanded spotlessness from you, that it was your job to wash yourself instead of Mine, and that I will reject you if you are not clean enough for Me.

"Listen to the truth: I am not washing you in order to accept you, but I am washing you because I have already accepted you! I loved you and cherished you so much that I gave My life to purchase you while you were still sinful, dirty and blemished. Now that I have purchased you, I want to make you radiant. I want to see you full of My joy, overwhelmed in My love and at peace in every way. I want you to be free to be who I made you to be. I want to set your heart at rest, casting out all fears of rejection and punishment with My perfect love.

"I want to see you smile as you see My face smiling lovingly at you! I want to see your face and hear your voice, for your face is lovely to Me and your voice is sweet to My ears. Come, be at rest. I will wash you as a husband lovingly and tenderly washes His bride."

"Because I Overcame..."

"Because I Overcame..."

"My children, why are you afraid of the end times? Who has made you afraid of the days to come? Didn't I promise to be with you unto the end? Or has someone told you that I would cease to intercede for you and you would have to stand in your own righteousness?

"You have been striving to defend your church and your beliefs, and yet you do not realize it has been your church and beliefs that have been wounding you and filling you with fear of the end times. You have been taught to prepare to run in the coming days, to prepare to flee persecution and dread suffering. But yet you have been told that your salvation depends on clinging to your church's unique beliefs. Because you have not known that I have already saved you (that salvation depended on Me instead of on you), you have not known My peace and strength that will sustain you through all tribulation. Because your faith has been in your unique beliefs, you have not known the rest that comes from having faith in Me alone.

"My children are safe in My hands, and no one can snatch them out. They will overcome the dragon because I have overcome the world for them. They are spotless and blameless because I covered them in My righteousness—the righteousness of the spotless and blameless Lamb. My children are not afraid because they know I will be with them always and will never leave nor forsake them. My children do not fear death because they know that their souls are safe in Me, and that nothing—not even death—will separate them from me. My children know that their suffering and death only brings them closer to Me.

"My children see that I have overcome the world, and that they also have overcome by faith in Me. Because their faith is in what I have done for them on the Cross, they are not worried about marks on their hands—for they can only see the marks on My hands and their names engraved there."


See also: "Suffering Redeemed" (art link)

Thursday, May 12, 2011

"Not Disappointed"

"Not Disappointed"

"My beloved child,

"I never expected you to keep the whole Law! I never expected perfection from you. I knew it was beyond you. That's why I was perfect for you! All I want from you is just for you to rest here in My arms.

"I know your beginning from your end, and I am not disappointed in you! You have not let me down! I want you to know that the gospel is not about your faithfulness. The gospel is the good news that I am faithful! I have been faithful for you because I knew you could not!

"Come, rest in Me. I will take care of you. Trust Me, I will not let you down."

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

"Finished Work"

"Finished Work"

"Yes, I am going to change you, but how much you change is not the measure of whether I accept you or not. I have already accepted you and loved you—behold, the Cross! Do you need any more proof?

"No matter how much or how little you transform, your victory will always be here at the Cross—where I won the victory for you. As you gaze upon My victory instead of the degree of your transformation, you will find rest knowing that I have already accepted you, and that your transformation is finished in Me. I am the Author and Finisher of your faith, and what I have promised to do I Myself will accomplish in you.

"Behold My victory—My victory is your victory! I have already won, I have already purchased you on the basis of My blood, not your transformation. Rest in My finished work—My victory—and let Me finish what I have begun in you in My own time."


See also: "My Victory" (art link)

"What Have I Done?"

"What Have I Done?"

"What do you see when you look at the Cross? A sign of My love for you, of how far I will go for you? Yes, that is part of it. But do you really know how far I have gone for you?

"I have not just taken away your past sins and then left you to keep the Law now that you know better. On the Cross I took your past, present and future sins! And I did not carry them halfway! I did not not carry them temporarily only to transfer them to another location. Nor did I did carry your sins on the Cross temporarily in order to see if you would obey the old covenant Law. I did not carry your sins halfway: I carried them all the way.

"I know you are going to mess up again. I know you aren't going to be 'perfect', and I know you'll feel like you've let Me down when you stumble. Listen to Me: you have not let Me down! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. I have seen your future and your end. I know what you will say before you say it, I know what you will do before you do it. On the Cross I saw every choice you will make before you make it, and I chose to love you and die for you anyway!

"I am not afraid of your sins, and I am not afraid of your bad choices. I have already died for them, and I also died to set you free of being afraid of them. I didn't die on the Cross to shame you or to make you obey out of guilt for the rest of your life: I died on the Cross to free you from shame and guilt! I took your shame, and I took your guilt! I did not die on the Cross in order to make you go about hanging your head trying to be good and pretending you like it. I died to set you free. And so you are free!

"Come, look upon the Cross again. I am the Beginning and the End, and I am your beginning and end. I have taken care of you completely here! It is finished! Trust Me. I won't let you go. You don't have to earn this or become worthy of this. I've given it to you freely. I will carry you until the end."


See also: "Perfection: Accepting My Brokenness"

Monday, May 9, 2011

"Keep Walking"

"Keep Walking"

"For those who have taken their first steps out of Egypt:

"I am with you! I have called you and you have heard Me calling! Do not be afraid, for I will guide you through the wilderness that lies ahead of you. At times you will naturally miss the comforts of the place you left behind, and your memory of the fellowship you shared in slavery will tempt you to return, forgetting the weight of the chains you once bore.

"But do not turn back, and do not be afraid. I have called you to freedom, and I have paid the ultimate price to secure your freedom—My Son! I have not given His precious blood only to abandon you in the desert, but I have allowed deserts to come into your life so that you may walk with Me closer than you ever have before.

"Walk with Me and lean on Me here in the desert; I will bring your desert to life and make this a place of rejoicing and fruitfulness."


See also: "Leaving Egypt Behind" (art link)

"In Toil, Rest"

"In Toil, Rest"

"I am with you always, even in the most busied, stressed and noisy times in your life. I am your Sabbath-rest in the midst of wherever and whenever you are. I will make your labor rest, your burden light, your pain sweet, and your toil a blessing."


See also: "With Me Here" (art link)

"I Will Never Forsake You"

"Do not be afraid of the dark times
that will come upon the world,
for I will be with you.
You are My child
and I will not let you go.

"You will not always be able to see the path before you,
nor the way through the forest of confusion.
But you will know My arm around you,
and you must trust My sight instead of your own.
Your own knowledge and preparation will not suffice,
but will only leave you in greater anxiety.

"Rest in Me and walk by faith.
My knowledge, My guidance,
and My Spirit will be your surety."


Art: "Forever My Child"

"At Home"

"At Home"

"I know you've been afraid of death. I know you've been afraid of deception. When Christians talk about going to be with Me after they die, to you it has sounded too good to be true. It has seemed too easy, too comfortable, too convenient. Like being saved, you were taught to believe that the truth must be more severe, that My ways must be more difficult, and anything too easy must be false. Anything that 'other churches' believe must be deception.

"But I am bigger than your fears. I am stronger than death and I am stronger than deception. I will not release My hold on you even when death should try to separate us. Because of what I accomplished for you on the Cross, suffering death and conquering it, your own death now only removes the veil of your flesh from between us. Instead of moving us further apart, being removed from the tent of your body brings us closer than while you were in your tent."


See also: "Spirit" (study)



"I have never called you to be perfect enough for Me to fill you. I have not promised to give you My Spirit (or 'the latter rain') once you keep the Ten Commandments well enough. I am not holding back doing great things through you and your church because you have been too sinful.

"Instead I have given you My grace. I have promised to fill you with My Spirit when you simply rest in My grace, when you believe that I have loved you and given you My all not because of the righteous things you have done. When you rest in Me alone, when you accept My righteousness instead of trying to earn it, then you will begin to understand that the perfection I call you to is not the perfection of the commandments of the old covenant.

"I have called you to recognize your brokenness and accept My perfection on your behalf. I have called you to accept My grace, and be filled with My Spirit even in the midst of your brokenness. My Spirit is not a means toward the perfection of the old covenant commandments, but My Spirit is poured out to bring dead things to life, to restore places that were once dry and deserted in you and in others.

"Be perfect as I am perfect is not a command to match My righteousness, for that was beyond you and I have never called you to the ministry of the old covenant. Rather I have called you to love others with My love, to share My perfect love, not yours. I have chosen you as a vessel to pour out healing through. I have chosen you as a broken vessel, not as a 'perfect' vessel; I have called you in your brokenness, not in your wholeness.

"Come, accept your brokenness and imperfection, and you will see rivers gush forth in your wilderness."


See also:
"Perfection" (art link)
"Admitting Weakness" (at Weeping Jeremiahs)

Sunday, May 8, 2011

"Unlimited Sabbath"

"Unlimited Sabbath"

"My peace does not depend on your environment. My Sabbath knows no limits. I am Peace wherever and whenever I am—in the morning, in the evening, in the calm and in the storm.

"I am rest for your soul. Come, listen to Me and learn of Me, and I will give you rest that passes understanding, and on which your sun will never set."

Saturday, May 7, 2011

"Sabbath is Here"

"Sabbath is *Here*"

"My child,

"I've done everything! I won the victory for you! Rejoice! All you have to do is rest here in My lap! I've taken care of it all for you on the Cross.

"You are with me now; you're Mine. You're here with Me and I won't let you go. You can spend the rest of your life living here in My lap, secure in My arms, enjoying the fruits of My victory for you!

"I am your Sabbath—your work is done!"


See also: "Sabbath Means This!" (art link)

Friday, May 6, 2011

"My Sabbath Forever"

"My Sabbath Forever"

"My child,

"Rest on Me. Relax. I am holding you. I won't drop you, and I won't put you down. I'm never going to let you go.

"When you're tired and you're weak, when you can't figure stuff out, when you're confused and when you're unable to do what you think you have to do—rest on Me. Lean your head on My shoulder. Cry if you need to. Let go of your fear and worry. I'll take care of it. I'll take care of you.

"I am your Sabbath. I am your rest"


See also: "My Sabbath Forever" (art link)

Thursday, May 5, 2011

"From Father"

"From Father"

"I have given you everything! I have given you My Son! I have given you His righteousness as a free gift! Why do you think this is not enough?

"Was the blood of My Son not enough to cover your sins? Was His atonement incomplete? Was His death insufficient? Did I require more than He was able to give?

"My testimony to the world is about My Son and what He fully accomplished for you on the Cross. I have no other 'message' and no other gospel. Where do the 'testimonies' of your church come from? What is the spirit of your prophecy?

"I am calling you to repentance. I am calling you to eternal life. And I am calling you to My heart—My heart for My Son and My heart for you."


See also: "Father's Exchange"

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

"False Yoke"

"False Yoke"

"I am coming with freedom to My captive children in Adventism! I will break the yoke that has enslaved you for over 165 years. I will deal with those who continue to put My children under the Law that I died to set them free from.

"My yoke is easy, and My burden is light. I bore the burden of the Law for you so that you would not have to, for it was too heavy for you to bear. My commands are that you believe in Me and the One who sent Me, and that you love one another as I have loved you. No further burdens have I laid on you.

"Those who lay further burdens on you desire to enslave you to that which I have set you free from. They tell you that you must wear this yoke to please My Father, but I tell you that you cannot please My Father because My Father is pleased with Me. When you rest in Me, you rest in His pleasure and He sees Me instead of you.

"You do not have to prove to My Father that you are worthy, nor that you are strong enough or obedient enough to become adopted. He has already chosen to adopt you freely through My sacrifice, not because of righteous deeds you have done.

"Come, rest in Me and in the freedom of My Father's love."


See also: "The Fulfillment of the Ten Commandments"

"Never the Same!"

"Never the Same!"

"Do you know how completely I have defeated death for you? Do you know what happened when I died on the Cross for you? Do you know why the earth quaked, the rocks split and the captives of the grave were released and came to life?

"Do you realize that 'death' will never, ever be the same for you because of what I have done for you? Do you realize that now you will never, ever be abandoned to the grave? My death and resurrection have changed everything for you!"


See also:
"The Plundering of Sheol"
"The Lion of Judah Has Triumphed!"
"Spirit" (study)

"There's No Catch!"

"There’s No Catch!"

"I know you've been afraid that you'll miss something, that you won't be saved if you don't know the whole truth. Peace! I have not called you to earn your freedom. I will set you free. I am the one who saves you. I AM the truth!"