"I am coming with freedom to My captive children in Adventism! I will break the yoke that has enslaved you for over 165 years. I will deal with those who continue to put My children under the Law that I died to set them free from.
"My yoke is easy, and My burden is light. I bore the burden of the Law for you so that you would not have to, for it was too heavy for you to bear. My commands are that you believe in Me and the One who sent Me, and that you love one another as I have loved you. No further burdens have I laid on you.
"Those who lay further burdens on you desire to enslave you to that which I have set you free from. They tell you that you must wear this yoke to please My Father, but I tell you that you cannot please My Father because My Father is pleased with Me. When you rest in Me, you rest in His pleasure and He sees Me instead of you.
"You do not have to prove to My Father that you are worthy, nor that you are strong enough or obedient enough to become adopted. He has already chosen to adopt you freely through My sacrifice, not because of righteous deeds you have done.
"Come, rest in Me and in the freedom of My Father's love."
See also: "The Fulfillment of the Ten Commandments"
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