Tuesday, May 31, 2011

"Perfect Performance"

"Perfect Performance"

Then they asked him,
"What must we do to do the works God requires?"

Jesus answered,
"The work of God is this:
To believe in the one He has sent."
- John 6:28-29
"My children,

"I know you think you can keep the law. I know you think you're supposed to. But I tell you that it was a burden too heavy for you to bear, so I bore it for you. I carried, kept, and fulfilled what you could not.

"I do not judge you by how well you keep the old covenant law—I do not judge you by how well you survive carrying something that is too heavy for you! I do not judge you according to the ministry of death, but rather according to your heart's response to My love for you.

"If you know that your performance is weak and insufficient, then that is good enough for Me. If you have heard My love for you and call out to Me who won the game for you, then that is good enough.

"I don't need your help to win the game (I've already won it!), and I don't need your help in saving you (I've already done that, too!). All I want is for you to know in your heart that I am your champion, not you yourself.

"That's all."


See also: "The Champion!" (art link)

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