"I am all you need in the end times and on the last day. Do not be afraid and do not fret about what you need to have, what you need to do, what you need to figure out or be aware of. I will be your light in the darkness, and I will not expect you to produce your own light.
"Yes, I am coming soon. But I am not telling you to 'Get ready' because there is nothing you can do to 'get' ready, just as there is nothing you can do to accomplish your own salvation. All you can do is be in Me now, and let Me take you along day by day, one step at a time.
"Do not worry about what special command you must keep or what location you must be standing in. I am calling you to worship in Spirit and in truth—I am the truth, and I am the Spirit! I am calling you to simply be in Me.
"Do not worry as your spiritual forefathers did about 'Coming out to meet the Lord', for the Kingdom of God is already within you. Do not worry as your spiritual forefathers did about 'Loving His coming' because I already know if you love Me, and you do not need to worry about displeasing Me by not knowing the details of the time or events surrounding My coming.
"As the Day draws near, know now that I expect nothing more of you than to rest in My love for you, to love Me and to love your neighbor as I have loved you. I have laid no other burden on you. If anyone tells you to 'Get ready' for My coming by knowing their unique truths, know now that such a person has not been sent by Me but is rather deceived by Jezebel and her so-called 'deep secrets'. Do not be worried about what they say, and do not let them take away your peace in Me: I have overcome for you on the Cross—your victory is already accomplished in Me, not in your knowledge."
See also: "Drawing Near" (art link)
Dear Editor,
ReplyDeleteChristian Greetings!
I found the content of your messages with fundamental essence.
Believe and trust is the focus of your message. I believe it.
Could you tell me the origin of the same? How do you get?
Sorry about the grammar, because I used the google translator.
No Meu idioma(Português)...
Senhor Editor,
Saudações Cristãs!
Achei o conteudo de suas mensagens com essência fundamental.
Crer e confiar é o foco de sua mensagem. Acredito nisto.
Poderia me dizer a origem das mesmas? Como você as recebe?
Desculpe a gramática, pois que usei o google tradutor.
recebi a resposta via e-mail.
ReplyDeleteObrigado Ramone!
saúde e paz!