Sunday, May 29, 2011

"I AM Your Righteousness!"

"I AM Your Righteousness!"

"I didn't come to teach you how to become righteous. I didn't come to show you the 'way' to become holy. I did not leave a method for you to follow in order to become like Me. Instead I AM your righteousness!

"Do you think that I ever separate from My righteousness? Do you think that I clothe you with My righteousness and then leave you to finish your walk on your own?

"No, I tell you! I am the Lord Your Righteousness, and I will never cease being your righteousness—not now, not in the 'end times', nor in the age to come. As I AM and I will forever be, I will never cease to be your righteousness. My righteousness will never separate or 'impart' to you, for I am the Lord Your Righteousness and I Myself will never leave you.

"Do you know that I am happy to give you My righteousness? Do you know I am not upset, frowning, or disappointed? It is My good pleasure to lavish My love and righteousness on you! I have not given you My grace and eternal life reluctantly! I am well-pleased with you and I love you!"

1 comment:

  1. I Cor. 1:30
    He is the source of your life in Christ Jesus, whom God made our wisdom, OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS and sanctification and redemption . . .
