Sunday, May 15, 2011

"The Power of My Love"

"The Power of My Love"

"More than My power to make you perfect and sinless, I want you to know the power of My love which looks past your sins and imperfection to the Cross—where I took your sins and credited you with My perfection.

"More than My power to bless you with peace and prosperity, I want you to know the power of My love to give you peace in your soul and treasure in heaven.

"More than My power to remove darkness from the world around you, I want you to know the power of My love to dispell darkness from your heart.

"More than the power of My Spirit to work supernatural wonders, I want you to know the power of My love to work wonders in your heart.

"More than My power to heal your body, I want you to know the power of My love to heal the wounds of your heart.

"More than My power to move the mountains before you with your faith, I want you to know the power of My love to sustain you through anything.

"More than My power to give you whatever you ask, I want you to know that I love you and I Myself want to be your every answer."

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